Friday 22 January 2016

Retirement is not what you expect...

I'll be at the Gym every day!

Do you go to the gym every day now? If not then you wont when you retire. I'm sure that I was not alone in thinking, "once I quit work I'll have time to get fit." It turns out that time is not the problem, or not in the way you think it is.

My theory for why this happens is as follows...

When you are working, going to the gym, having a run or doing sport is a nice diversion. Sure you never do as much as you think you should but whenever the motivation strikes you (usually around January), you find time to get active.

The problem is that when you are retired, you have time to do whatever you want. So instead of working out being a pleasant diversion from the stresses of work, it becomes something that you should do when there are lots of other more pleasant alternatives. So instead of keeping fit you get stuck into one of your hobbies which somehow provide more immediate gratification.

I find that I need to set objectives to ensure that I get some exercise. You don't want to retire early and get more unhealthy than you were. Otherwise retirement could become unpleasant as you deal with illness bought on by a poor lifestyle, or at worse cut short abruptly!

I have enough money!

You probably don't. See my previous post. The problem is that things are more expensive than you think and you won't budget for everything. Stuff inevitably pops up. For my wife and I it has been maintenance. House, car and dogs mostly. I expect as we get older health costs will also make a dramatic entry. There is a number which is enough (in terms of savings), but it is bigger than you think.

Make sure you have some contingency stuck away. At some point you will probably want a new bathroom/kitchen/car/jet/etc.

The other issue is income. Investment yields never seem to be what you budget for, and the tax man always likes to get his cut.

The wife and I will get to travel!

Look this is a good thing - in moderation.

I need to be a bit circumspect in case the missus ever reads this. The original plan when we retired was to spend 6 months of the year up at Byron Bay. A spot we both love. It turns out that 4 weeks away together 24x7 is about our limit. After that we are ready to kill each other and are no longer enjoying the holiday as much as we should. Apparently I get annoying in large doses!

The other complications for us when travelling are the dogs and the fact that I can't carry all my hobby related stuff around with me. Like most blokes, my favourite hobbies involve a lot of stuff that you can buy. After a month or so, I start missing my stuff.

We now aim for shorter trips and we do some trips separately, either with other friends or solo. This works much better.

I think this phenomenon is associated with the next point.

You are driving me mad!

I have always maintained that frequent separation is the secret of a long marriage. My wife and I both travelled frequently for work. We love our time together now but we also appreciated time apart to do our own thing. Moderation seems to be the answer to a lot of questions!

Now that we are both in the same house, potentially all of the time, we had to come up with some new rules. We are fortunate in that our house is large enough for us to have a room each for our hobbies. This provides necessary separation. We also commit to each being out of the house at least one day a week. In practise, most weeks I'm out of the house at least 3 days.

I will be bored after the first week!

Pffft. Assuming that you have at least 3 hobbies or interests, this wont be the case. In fact you will wonder how you ever found time to go to work.

Another truism, everything takes longer than you expect. You wont be able to get as much done in a year as you think you will. But what a great problem. It means you don't get bored, but you do need to manage this so that you don't create stress. One of the few remaining areas of stress when you have 100% control of your time, is not meeting your productivity expectations. Make sure you set realistic objectives and review them frequently. The secret is finding activities which give your life purpose.

The people who do have a problem, are those whose only interest is their work. In which case, why would you retire? If you love work that much then steam on, your biggest danger is when you stop.

Sunday 10 January 2016

What is Retirement?

Some Definitions

I guess we should define what we are talking about. For me, retirement is not about stopping work but about having the freedom of choosing what you work on. To be able to do this you need to be financially independent.

The "law of the groceries" means that if you have debts and financial commitments that you can't service from savings or passive income, then you have to work to sustain your lifestyle. This limits your ability to tell your boss what they can do with their job, should you ever be inclined to. Of course, it might be your own business and you are the boss, but you get the idea.

So for me the idea of retirement is inextricably linked with financial independence.

What is Financial Independence?

Let's look at the Wikipedia definition:

Financial independence is generally used to describe the state of having sufficient personal wealth to live, without having to work actively for basic necessities. For financially independent people, their assets generate income that is greater than their expenses.

While we are here, let's define passive income as money which you get from your assets without having to work. There will always be some work involved, for example, you will need to maintain and manage a share portfolio or investment property, but it is not something that you work at 5 days a week (unless you want to).

How to become Financially Independent?

This is one of those, easy to explain but hard to do exercises. There are many different routes to financial independence. If you are not born into money, marry into it or created Facebook then most people will need to do something like this.

  1. Save more than you spend. Until you get to this point, you have no hope of becoming financially independent.
  2. Use your savings (and debt) to purchase assets which generate cash flow and/or capital growth. 
  3. Keep accumulating assets and reducing debt, until the income from your assets is larger than your expenses.

That's it. But lets put a bit more meat on those bones. Before even step 1 you will need a budget. Yes I know that it is boring to put this together, but it is easier after you have done it once and just need to update it each year. The most important outcome is calculating how much do you need a year to sustain your lifestyle. For us, the number is around $85K (for a couple, no kids and without a mortgage). Obviously everyone's number will be different and dependent on your lifestyle. You should assume that you want to at least maintain your current lifestyle in retirement. No one likes to go backwards. You have to know this annual expense number so that you can work out what assets you need and what sort of yield they need to average.

How Long will I Live?

This is a bit of a morbid question but it is an essential variable in our financial independence calculations. The only way you don't need to have a guess at this is if your asset pool is big enough to fund your lifestyle without drawing down on the capital.

What Yield can I expect from my Assets?

This is either a very easy question (e.g. whatever the interest rate is on your bank savings or term deposit) or it is a guess, albeit probably based on historical yields. Shares and their derivatives fall into this second category. The long term yield of the share market may be over 7%, but unless you have an index fund, your shares aren't the market. Also, people don't feel averages, they feel the ups and downs (particularly the downs). Last year the share market in Australia dropped. If you are banking on 7% growth, then you have to eat into your capital to fund your expenses, which means future yields need to be higher than average. Of course some years will be above average and you will think that you are a share market guru. This makes forecasting hard. All you can do is have a go and adjust the plan as circumstances change. Like Mike Tyson says, "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face!"

My approach is to take a weighted average. Use the actual yields where you know what they are, and use a conservative historical average when you don't. You always underestimate your expenses.

How much will my Expenses grow each Year?

At a certain point your expenses will stop growing and start to shrink. Even with CPI increases and the best will in the world, as you get old you slow down and don't do as much. The silver lining to this is that you wont spend as much money. The one area that doesn't decrease is the amount you spend on health. This skyrockets and this is where all that health insurance that you have been paying starts to provide a return.

Nevertheless, I take a conservative approach and allow a 3% increase in our spending every year.

With globally low interest rates this is high, but they won't stay low forever (you heard it here first)! Remember - you always underestimate your expenses.

How much money do I need to Retire?

You will see a lot of people suggest that the answer is 20 times your annual expenses. So if this was $85k, you need $1.7M in assets. This could be your house but you would need something like a reverse mortgage to have cash to live on. There are some pretty big assumptions in the 20 times number, it assumes you (and your partner and dependents) will live for another 20 years and it assumes that the yield on your assets is the same as CPI. I think we can be a bit more scientific than this.

My approach is that you always need somewhere to live, so take the house out of the equation and that can be your emergency reserve or what you bequeath to your relations. To calculate how long your money will last, fire up Excel or your spreadsheet of choice. You need to set four variables:

  • The starting balance - cell B3 in our example (used for the formula below)
  • The annual draw down amount (e.g. $85k) - cell B4
  • Estimated Yield on your assets (i.e. the starting balance) - cell B5
  • Estimated CPI - cell B6
Once you have this, set up a table with 3 columns (Year, Capital and Income). Income is the amount you spend annually and depending on the numbers you choose, may or may not include some of your capital. In the example shown below, we show that with a starting amount of $1M, a 5% yield and 3% CPI, after 10 years there is $319K of the $1M left. All numbers need to be after tax.

The formula for the Capital and Income columns are as follows:
  • Capital - The first row (2016 in our example - row 9), just equals the starting balance (i.e. =B3). The second row (row 10) has the formula =(B9-C9)*$B$5 + (B9-C9). Where B9 = previous year capital, C9 = previous year income and B5 is the yield. You can then drag this formula down and it will be correct for the rest. Make sure that the yield uses absolute addressing $B$5 not B5.
  • Income - The first row is =85000+$B$6*85000 (i.e. $85k + CPI). The second row (row 10) has the formula =C9+$B$6*C9 (i.e. compounding CPI). You can then drag this formula down and it will be correct for the rest. Make sure that CPI uses absolute addressing $B$6 not B6.
This model is not perfect (by a long shot), for example it assumes that all the money comes out at one time each year. This is not how it usually happens. Regardless, don't get too caught up in perfecting a model based on estimates. This should be close enough and you want to allow some contingency.

You can play with the four variables to model different scenarios.

You can do a similar table for your Super Fund, see below for an explanation of why there needs to be two funds.

The Financial Independence Model

To help visualise what financial independence looks like, I use the following model. The goal is to get your active income to zero. To do this, your passive income needs to equal your annual expenses. Any income overflow greater than $85k (in this example) goes back in the investment pot. This will happen if your yield is higher than expected or your capital pot is bigger than required. Don't be tempted to spend the overflow in good years, there will be bad years.

The next bit will be country dependent. Based on my birth date, in Australia I can't access my Superannuation funds (equivalent of a 401K in the US) until I am 60. If you retire at 50 but place all your money in a Super fund then you have a problem.

What you need are two passive income generating machines (inside super for post 60 years old and outside super for pre 60 years old). The pre-60 machine needs to last 10 years, so income doesn't have to be all from yield, you can draw down on the capital as long as you can make it to 60. At 60, you transfer the balance to your Super fund. We have a Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) but it doesn't have to be. I do like the control and ownership that a SMSF brings. Generally speaking, Super is the most tax effective place to grow your savings but the rules do keep on changing so don't put all your eggs in that basket.

One more thing - Tax Minimisation

I'm not licensed to tell anyone about anything, so my advice is to go see someone who is. Find yourself a good accountant that you trust. They can save you a lot of money. We all need to pay tax and that is usually a sign that you are making money (which is good!), but no-one should be paying more than their fair share. Play within the rules but find out the rules so that you can maximise the outcome for you. Ideally, you need to do this before you start accumulating assets, but it is never too late to learn more about tax effective strategies. This is an area which will have a material effect on how long it takes to reach your goals.

Monday 4 January 2016

So you want to retire before 50?

Or Do you? An Introduction...

I "retired" on the 14th April 2014, 5 months before my 50th birthday. This had been a long term goal of mine and it was a great achievement at the time. However, what I have found is that retirement isn't what I thought it would be. Given there isn't a lot of literature talking about the back 9 of life, I decided to write down my thoughts on the experience. I will also share how I made it happen, should you decide that retiring before 50 is what you want to do.

A bit about me.

I was born in Brisbane (Australia - are there any other Brisbane's? I don't think so), in September 1964. After 3 years, my folks moved to Sydney where I did most of my schooling. After school, I went to Sydney University and picked up a B.E. (Elec.) and B.Sc. (Computer Science & Physics).I also picked up a girl friend who is now my wife (30 years so far). There are of course many stories from that period and I may tell some of them if I can find a way to make them relevant.

I will tell the story of how I met my wife, because that is indicative of my approach to life. Being an engineering student in the 1980's didn't bring about a lot of exposure to the fairer sex. I think there were 3 women, and a lot of men.  My secondary schooling was at an all boys school, so it would be fair to say that I was inexperienced with women. In our first year at Uni, my friend John (a fellow engineer) and I cooked up a plan to improve our dating prospects. We decided to form the Sydney University Skydiving Society. Neither John nor I had jumped out of a plane, but we thought that this sort of image would attract women. At Orientation, which occurs at the start of each academic year, we set up our stall and proceeded to sign up members. Over 150 people joined up. We blew all the membership fees on a huge kick off BBQ.

Because we couldn't actually skydive, we had to come up with alternate "team building" events. One of these was a weekend Yacht cruise on the Pittwater in Sydney. At one of the planning sessions for this trip everyone pulled out apart from John and my future wife. I immediately rang John and told him not to come. To this day my wife claims that I can't call this our first date since I never asked her out...

What did I learn from this experience?
  1. Always have a plan.
  2. Don't be afraid of stacking the odds in your favour.
  3. If you look like you know what you are doing, people will assume that you do.